Cannons   <-- Click on pictures   Patching: None Demo compatible: Unknown If you're looking for a new and innovative Hexen deathmatch WAD, this is the one for you. Cannons isn't your average Hexen WAD though. It contains new graphics and has one of the best ideas I've ever heard of. The deal is that you and up to four buddies are each stationed on one of four towers. On each tower is a cannon, and controls to alter its angle and elevation. You shoot your cannon and try to blast the other players! Your cannon can shoot seven different weapons, which you can change, (fireball, ripperball, poison dart, blade, arrow, ice shard, and morph blast). You also can change the speed of your weapon, the angle of the cannon, the direction of the cannon, and the height of your platform. The author, Brit Willoughby, states that this WAD took over 1,250 lines of Hexen scripting to write, but after you play it you will understand why it was worth it. There are new graphics, and a digital readout for your platform height, weapon speed, angle of cannon and the direction of the cannon. There is one catch though. You have to play this WAD in coop mode. (If you play it in deathmatch, you might respawn on your enemies tower.) But, the author says, he is working on changing this soon. If you have access to a network or play deathmatches over the 'Net: GET THIS WAD!! –Brett Wertz City of Despair     Patching: None Demo compatible: Unknown This is a very well made level that I enjoyed thoroughly when I played it. Even at the lowest skill level, it still tested me and I had to play it quite a few times before succeeding. To win, you need to get the flame mask, but to get the mask you must trek through a foggy city and flip the necessary switches to lower the gate. One of my favorite things about the level is the realism that its author, Marc Bublitz, gave it though placement of trees, torches, fog, and enemies. This level was Bublitz's first release and in the comments he says that it takes special care on texture alignment and effects to make his levels look as good as they possibly can. It was worth the effort. I suggest you take a look at this level. –Brett Wertz Mission Arrgh     Patching: None Demo compatible: Unknown Mission Arrgh is a WAD with an interesting story behind it. You are a private eye, and you have decided to stop in at your favorite bar for a drink. As you sit down, a man materializes in the seat next to you. He whispers a few words to you: "You must find and return the doll to it's original resting spot." Then, you are warped into another dimension. Hexen, of course. To complete the level you must actually search out and find a little doll, then take it to its resting spot. This level has a lot of good action, and it takes awhile to problem solve. The hardest part for me was finding where to put the doll! Besides having action and an interesting story, the level also has some neat effects. It's hard to explain-- you'll just have to try it and see what I mean. :-) –Brett Wertz   Have a favorite WAD you want to see reviewed in MDR? Why don't you write it up and send it in? Tell us if it's for Ultimate Doom or Doom II, or Hexen and whether it requires any special patching, where to find it, and include a distinctive screenshot. Mail reviews , comments, questions to